One of the oldest operational buildings for ICT equipment in Zurich is now one of the pioneers in the sustainable use of datacenters in Switzerland.

The Swiss Datacenter Efficiency Association (SDEA) has awarded the SDEA SILVER Plus label to Swisscom's Zurich-Herdern datacenter. The label indicates high efficiency in the housing of the IT infrastructure and low CO2 emis- sions at the power source. The Zurich facility, opened in 1976, has been extensively modernized twice and today meets the highest standards for the sustainable use of data- centers in Switzerland.
With the recent volatility in energy markets, the issue of efficiency and emissions in data- center operations has attracted a lot of attention. The SDEA label allows companies to make their commitment to sustainability visible by verifying the energy efficiency and overall climate impact of datacenter operations.
"This is a recognition of our ongoing efforts to create the most sustainable network in Switzerland" Rolf Morf, Head of Infrastructure at Swisscom
“For Swisscom, this step is both a recognition of our ongoing efforts to create the most sustainable network in Switzerland – and a matter of course in our pursuit of net-zero emissions by 2035,” says Rolf Morf, Head of Infrastructure at Swisscom.
"Swisscom has once again cemented its status as the most sustainable telecom company in the world" Babak Falsafi, President of SDEA
This commitment is also acknowledged by SDEA President Babak Falsafi: “By obtaining the label, Swisscom is not only a pioneer in telecommunications in Switzerland, but it has also once again cemented its status as the most sustainable telecom company in the world.”