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Energy Efficiency in the Datacenter Measured, Not Guessed

Unlock transparency and boost sustainability in datacenter operations: Measure the full-stack efficiency of your datacenter with the three unique calculators of the SDEA Navigator – and get recognized as a pioneer in energy efficiency with SDEA Label.

Icon Datacenter
Icon SDEA Navigator
Icon SDEA Label

The Foundation

Datacenters are the engines of the digital economy, powering essential IT services and data-driven solutions.

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SDEA Navigator:
The Tool

The SDEA Navigator measures efficiency and emissions, guiding DC & IT owners to operational excellence.

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SDEA Label:
The Recognition

SDEA Label certifies DC & IT infrastructures that achieve and uphold the highest standards of energy efficiency.

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Start Measuring Today

Visit the SDEA Navigator to kick-start your journey towards measurable sustainability

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